A day after Karan Johar celebrated his 52nd birthday, Ananya Pandey shared an inside photo from the birthday bash. The picture features Ananya Pandey, her BFF Shanaya Kapoor and the great designer Manish Malhotra. Tagging the other two, Ananya posted a red heart emoji. In the photo shared, Ananya is seen wearing a blue dress and completes her look with ruby lips. Shanaya Kapoor is seen wearing a green top and she matched it with a nude lipstick. Manish Malhotra wore a white jacket.
On Friday night, Karan Johar’s close friends Kajol, Anil Kapoor, his wife Sunita Kapoor, Farah Khan and Natasha Poonawala were spotted at the filmmaker’s birthday party. Kajol has also acted in several Karan Johar films. The two have worked together in films like Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham… and My Name is Khan. ICYMI, here’s the video we’re talking about:
Karan Johar announced a new project on his birthday. Karan has shared a photo on Instagram. He is seen wearing a white shirt, holding a draft that reads: “Untitled Narrative Draft… Directed by Karan Johar May 25.” The caption accompanying the post read: “Get…Set…Go!” Then the red heart emoji. See here:
Karan Johar made his directorial comeback with Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, starring Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh in lead roles. He has also supported Sidharth Malhotra starrer Yodha. It was released in theaters earlier this year.
Karan Johar will also produce an untitled project with Sunny Sanskar Ki Tulsi Kumari and Karthik Aaryan alongside Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan. His next project as a producer is Mr. and Mrs. Mahi.