Bhumi Pednekar’s latest Instagram entry has flooded the comment section with trolls. The actress posted a video with her sister. Samiksha Pednekar, which bears a striking resemblance to Bhumi. However, a section of the internet reacted to the video saying that the duo used the “same surgeon”, hinting at plastic surgery. Not one to stay silent, Samiksha made sure to give a sharp reply to the trolls. “It’s like we have the same surgeon, we can’t tell the difference,” one user wrote. To which Samiksha smartly replied, “Or the same parents? Maybe?” Another user referenced the song barbie girl Along with the line “Life in plastic is very strange”. Review “Which Plastic?” Trollers also commented on possible lip fillers as the two are seen applying lipstick in the video. One user asked, “Do you need more lipstick than other women??” In response, Samiksha wrote, “What a question lol.” Very good review, very good.
check Bhumi PednekarPost the following:
Now let’s turn to the positives. This is not the first time that Bhumi Pednekar has shared a very cute post with a member of her family. The actress was last seen in a Netflix movie devotee, And After watching her mesmerizing performance, Bhumi’s mother Sumitra Pednekar visits her A gold coin as a token of appreciationsharing the joy with her Insta fam, Bhumi uploaded a picture with her mother, along with a warm note.
Bhumi Pednekar wrote, “Mommy gives me a gold coin every time she thinks I have grown as an actor. After watching devotee, I remember how overwhelmed mom was and I knew somewhere that I was having another one. I remember the ride back home. No one spoke. Once we were home, Samiksha started talking to me and only tears were flowing from her eyes.”
“She (Samiksha Pednekar) said – this film is beyond what it does for you, it’s about what it does for those children. We cannot fail them again. Today I have 7 coins from mother. I have no greater reward than my family. Thank you Sumitra Pednekar Samiksha Pednekar for being my biggest cheerleader and my biggest critic,” added Bhumi Pednekar.
Bhumi Pednekar’s last film Predator It also featured Aditya Srivastava and Sanjay Mishra in lead roles.