Shweta Bachchan has rubbished rumors that her daughter Navya Naveli is all set to make her Bollywood debut. After the debut of Navya Naveli’s brother Agastya Nanda, the rumors gained momentum. archis, but Shweta was adamant in denying that she had any intention of re-entering the film industry. Navya Naveli and Agastya Nanda are both grandchildren of Amitabh Bachchan and great-grandson of Raj Kapoor.
Shweta was representing Navya Naveli at a podcasters event in Mumbai. “I’m here to represent my daughter, and I’m so excited and proud of her. I’m happy to be here to accept the award on her behalf,” she said. Naveen Navya runs the podcast ‘What the Hell Navya’
Talking about her daughter’s talent as a podcaster, Shweta said, ‘I think it’s great, it’s a great way to reach people. You can take it anywhere, you can listen to it on the train or bus. I think it’s a fantastic and wonderful way to get your words across.”
When Navya Naveli was asked about her entry into Bollywood, her mother was emphatic. She said, “I think you know the work Navya is doing and she has her hands full. I don’t think Bollywood is the way for her.”
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)