“I don’t really follow what they say but…”

Saira Banu On The Zeenat Aman-Mumtaz Rift:

Saira Bano has shared this photo. (Etiquette: Sirabanu,

New Delhi:

A few days after Zeenat Aman shared a post on a live-in relationship Hare Rama Hare Krishna Co-actress Mumtaz criticized the advice, saying that Zeenat Aman should refrain from giving relationship advice and that “her marriage was a living hell.” Now, veteran filmmaker Saira Banu has commented on this rift in a recent interaction Hindustan Times And she said, “I don’t read much and I don’t follow what they (Mumtaz and Zeenat Aman) say, but we are very old-fashioned people. Our trend is 40-50.” years ago (years ago).” Talking about live-in relationships, Saira Bano said, “I could never agree with this point. (I can never agree with this statement). I will not support such a live-in relationship. “This is something unimaginable and unacceptable to me.”

Meanwhile, Zeenat Aman addressed criticism of Mumtaz’s personal life While interacting with Hindustan Times And she said, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I would never comment on other people’s personal lives or tear down my teammates, and I’m not going to start now.”

Earlier this week, Mumtaz said this about Zeenat Aman In an interview with zoom in“Zeenat should be careful about what she advises. She has suddenly come into this social media frenzy and I can understand her excitement about being a cool aunt. But giving advice is against our moral values. Increasing your followers is not the answer. Take the example of Zeenat. (Take Zeenat for example)… She knew Mazhar Khan for many years before marrying him. Her marriage was a living hell. She should be the last person to give relationship advice.”

Conversations around Live-in relationship It started when Zeenat Aman shared her role in an Instagram post. “One of you asked me about relationship advice in the comments section of my last post. Here’s a personal opinion I’ve shared before – if you’re in a relationship, I highly recommend you move in before you get married! Here it is. That’s the advice I’ve always given my kids. , both of whom are or are in a live-in relationship, it seems logical to me that two people put their relationship to the ultimate test before bringing their families and the government into their equation,” wrote Zeenat Aman. The veteran actress also pointed out the society’s reservations about live-in relationships and added, “I know Indian society is a bit adamant about “living in sin” but then again, society is strict about a lot of things! What the log says,

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