New Delhi:
Dev Patil’s directorial debut monkey man has hit the big screen. Sobhita DhulipalaThe actor, who plays the lead role in the film, shared several images of the monkey man The premiere event on Instagram. In the first photo, Dev and Shobhita are posing for the camera. While Shobhita is in a Gaurav Gupta gown, Dev looks sharp in a suit. Next, we see the big screen with the poster of the movie. Additionally, there are more photos of Shobhita posing with the cast monkey man, while sharing the photo, Shobhita penned a sweet note for her co-star and director Dev Patil. “There is so much love for this man here,” she said. Look what you made kid 🙂 monkey man Out now, in theaters worldwide. Actress Saiyami Kher was the first to comment under Shobhita’s post. She posted a black heart emoji.
The makers dropped it a few days ago The second trailer of monkey man, the video begins with a drone shot of a large crowd. After this, we see the conflict between the characters of Dev Patel and Sikandar Kher. During the fight, Dev points a gun at Sikander and tells the sad story of how he lost his mother in childhood. The intensity goes to the next level when Sikandar physically attacks Dev. The trailer shows social inequality and how the rich oppress the less privileged. Seconds later, Dev is inspired by Lord Hanuman and dons a gorilla mask before entering an underground club. Sobhita Dhulipala’s character is shown as Dev’s associate. She motivates him by saying, “Make them remember your name.”
monkey man Sharlto Copley, Aditi Kalkunte and Makarand Deshpande also star.