Sonu Sood is very excited about his directorial debut Fateh, Sonu Sood took to Instagram on Saturday to share a fantastic update about the project. He disclosed this to senior actor Dr Naseeruddin Shah has joined the cast of Fateh, in a series of pictures shared on Instagram, Sonu Sood and Naseeruddin Shah are engaged in a serious discussion. In his caption, the actor wrote, “Welcome on board Naseer sir. It was very special to direct someone I have admired all my life. You will be proud Fateh Sir.” Jacqueline Fernandez is also a part of this film. Reacting to the post, Neha Dhupia wrote, “Wow,” and shared a hand up emoji. FatehAjay Dharam, the creator, shared black hearts, thumbs up and evil eye emojis. Actor Utkarsh Gupta has posted a red heart. Actor Viral Patel released a hand raising emoji.
In March 2023, Jacqueline Fernandez shared some photos from Amritsar, where she was shooting Fateh, one of the images shows her wearing the character. Her caption read, “Thank you Amritsar.”
If you haven’t already, here’s the teaser below Fateh.
Along with directing and acting Fateh, Sonu Sood Also participated in the writing process. Earlier, the actor told a news agency ANI“I’ve been very blessed so far, I’ve had the opportunity to do roles in different languages. Being around films and working on all these projects, I’ve picked up a few things here and there. This is the first time. I’ll also be working on the story.”
Sonu Sood added, “I have always loved being involved in my films but this was the first time I was officially involved in the writing process. It was very exciting. The project is progressing at a good pace. We are currently getting the locations but it will be shot all over Mumbai.”
Sonu Sood was last seen in a Kannada film Richness.