Hiramandi actress Sanjeeda Shaikh Never hesitates to discuss her personal and professional challenges. Recently, the star revealed an incident where a woman touched her inappropriately at a night club. While interacting with Hotterfly, Sanjeeda said, “I remember one incident very vaguely but it was of a woman. I was in a night club. A lady was passing by and she just touched me and left. I was taken back, as it happened. We hear men backstab you and misbehave, Girls don’t have flowers (Women are no less.)
Sanjeeda Shaikh added, “If you’re going the wrong way, you’re going the right way. It has nothing to do with men and women, what is wrong is wrong. If a woman has wronged you, tell her. Because I think playing the victim card is very unattractive.”
During the same interview, Sanjeeda Shaikh Talked about her divorce From her ex-husband, actor Aamir Ali. Without naming him, she said, “There are men and there are partners who try to demotivate you, who tell you that you can’t do anything. Or they’ll say you can’t do it. Better to stay away from such people. Every relationship has phases where you’re happy, and then there’s phases where you’re not, and then you call for your life, and that’s what I did for me, because I started loving myself and I started putting myself first, and that’s a lot, is very important.”
“I feel very fortunate with everything that has happened to me. Maybe then I thought I was the saddest person, or I was so sad, or ‘What is going on with me, what is going on in my life?’ But I am blessed to overcome all this and be happy with this version of myself,” added Sanjeeda Shaikh.
Sanjida Sheikh and Aamir Ali got married in 2012. They decided to separate in 2021. The two also have a daughter, Aira Ali,