Bollywood star Sonam Kapoor wants internet sensation Nancy Tyagi to design a dress for her. Don’t believe us? Hurry to check out their Instagram exchange. It just so happened that social media influencer Nancy Tyagi took the fashion world by storm as she made a dazzling debut on the Cannes Film Festival red carpet in a pretty pastel gown last week. The Delhi-based influencer took the internet by storm after representing India on the global stage in two glamorous outfits she designed and stitched. For her first look, Nancy wore a powder pink gown while her second Cannes look was a sari with a veil. A day ago, Nancy gave her fans her second Cannes look. Bollywood stars left comments on her post and praised the designer for her big performance. Among those sending love to the young designer was Bollywood star Sonam Kapoor. The Sawariya star reposted a video of Nancy making a Cannes saree on Instagram and wrote, “Best dress in Cannes. Make me something.” The Delhi-based influencer replied to Sonam: “Thank you so much, @sonamkapoor it would be amazing to create something special for you one day! (sic).”
Take a look at Nancy Tyagi’s post:
Here’s how Sonam Kapoor reacted:
Now watch how Nancy reacts to Sonam’s shout-out:
Nancy Tyagi wrote after making her Cannes debut in a pink frill gown, “Making my red carpet debut at the 77th Cannes Film Festival feels surreal. I poured my heart and soul into creating this pink gown, which took 30 days, 1000 meters of fabric and weighed over 20 kg. , but it’s a dream come true, and I hope your support inspires me a lot!.”
Take a look at her post below:
Apart from many influencers making their Cannes debut, Bollywood celebrities like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Kiara Advani, Urvashi Rautela and other celebs walked the red carpet this year.