By Vidhu Vinod Chopra 12th fail It became one of the most successful films of 2023. The film, titled Vikrant Massey And Medha Shankar, despite releasing in October last year, is getting love from all quarters. FYI: 12th fail, which recently completed 25 weeks in theatres, is a cinematic depiction of the life of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma. Now, in the conversation with Instant Bollywood, Vikrant and Medha revealed that their directors used to give them a ₹100 note as a reward when they did a good job on the sets. Asked by her director if there was any competition on who gets the most notes, Medha said, “No-no, there was no competition, but I got a hundred (Rs 100 note) first. Show everyone on set.”
The actress also revealed that she was on cloud nine after receiving her first note in front of Vikrant Massey. Medha Shankar added, “I have gone and shown everyone. And I told them, ‘Listen I got a hundred’, because getting a hundred in front of Vikrant was a big feat for me.
During his conversation, Vikrant Massey also revealed that he earned ₹380 from his director. The actor said, “I think I earned a total of ₹380 at the end of the film. (Overall, I earned ₹380 at the end of the film.)” Medha Shankar added, “I haven’t done my calculations. Now, I know he has cashed it (earnings), I want my ₹20 notes (from Vidhu Vinod Chopra).” Interrupting Medha, Vikrant said, “She has accounted for all her earnings.”
Meanwhile, on this occasion, 12th fail 25 weeks complete In theatre, Vikrant Massey has shared an exclusive post on Instagram. To celebrate the film’s silver jubilee milestone, Vikrant released the film’s poster 12th fail and wrote, “First film in 23 years to achieve this milestone. Thank you audience for making our dream come true. You are actually responsible for making this happen. Much love.”
Sharing the same poster, Medha Shankar wrote, “#12vFail celebrates its silver jubilee with an impressive dramatic run – 25 weeks and going strong! Here’s to those who made it a cinematic triumph! #ZeroSeKarRestart.”
The official Instagram page of Vidhu Vinod Chopra Films has uploaded a video from the celebration party. The caption accompanying the clip reads, “#12th Fail becomes first film in 23 years to spend 25 weeks in theaters! We celebrated this #SilverJubilee milestone with an event that made this film a success! This remarkable performance is a testament to the impact of a good story. Thanks for all the love and support! #ZeroSeKarRestart.”
Vikrant Massey’s performance in 12th fail He also won the Best Actor Award in the Critics category at the 69th Filmfare Awards.